Accueil Accident Robert Laflamme obituary – Robert “Rob” Laflamme died in Pelham accident

Robert Laflamme obituary – Robert “Rob” Laflamme died in Pelham accident


An employee of an emergency transportation business has been identified as the individual who died in a crash in Pelham this week. Robert “Rob” Laflamme was killed in a head-on collision on Bridge Street on Wednesday morning.

Lafamme, a veteran firefighter from Lowell, Massachusetts, was killed while driving to work as a paramedic for Pridestar Trinity EMS.

Pridestar Trinity EMS shared a state’ment on Facebook – ” It is with profound sadness that we wish to inform you that our dedicated employee, Robert “Rob” Laflamme, tragically passed away yesterday.
Rob joined the Pridestar team in 2017 working for both the ambulance and student transportation companies. He was a devoted caretaker to the patients and students he came in contact with. So much so he prolonged his retirement due to a special bond he formed with a medically fragile student he transported this school year. As a retired Lowell Fire Fighter, Rob had an outgoing personality and formed great relationships with his fellow coworkers. He was a valuable asset to our team and the community and will be deeply missed.”

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