Accueil Death Ron Sexton obituary – Ron Sexton, Indianapolis native and radio personality has...

Ron Sexton obituary – Ron Sexton, Indianapolis native and radio personality has died


Ron Sexton, Indianapolis native and radio personality has sadly passed away. Ron died Yesterday Friday July 21, 2023. Donnie Baker announced Ron’s death on Facebook. The post reads – “It is with immense sadness that we let everyone know that Ron Sexton passed away yesterday. He was Donnie Baker to most of you, but Ron and Dad to us. Please respect our privacy at this time and pray for our family.  Tracey, Eric, Abigail, Alex, and Aliah Jim and Ila.

Ron Sexton is a well-known voice actor, stand-up comedian, and radio personality. He is popularly known for his character as “Donnie Baker” in the series THE BOB & TOM Show listeners.

Sexton passed away in Ohio while on tour with his stand-up comedy show. Ron Sexton obituary and funeral plans will be released when it is available.

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