Accueil Death Will Breedlove obituary- Allen Ray Powers and William Allen Breedlove died in...

Will Breedlove obituary- Allen Ray Powers and William Allen Breedlove died in apparent murder-suicide in Rose Creek Farm Watkinsville GA


Two people who died in what is believed to be a murder-suicide in Oconee County were identified as 68-year-old Allen Ray Powers and his son, William Allen Breedlove, 37, who lived nearby on Rose Creek Drive. The tragic incident happened about 5 p.m. at a farm off Colham Ferry Road south of Watkinsville.

Multiple police officers responded to the scene after they received reports of a gun-related incident. They were both pronounced dead at the scene. Oconee Sheriff James Hale released a statement Wednesday afternoon.

“We’re confident it was murder-suicide based on the fact that the suspect called and told us that he had shot his son and he was calling to ask for an ambulance,”

When deputies arrived on the scene after Powers placed the 911 call, according to Hale, it appeared that Powers had died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. For his work at Walton EMC, from which he had retired, Powers was well known in the neighborhood.

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