Accueil Death Cole Miller obituary – Cole Miller has passed away

Cole Miller obituary – Cole Miller has passed away


Cole Miller has unexpectedly passed away. Loved ones and friends are shattered and devastated at this time. TJ Fenton shared a post on Facebook – “Cole Miller,
You were a bright light in this dark world. I can’t even begin to explain how much you meant to not only me, but everyone around you. You were truly one of a kind and one of the most caring people I’d ever met. You always knew how to make people laugh and smile no matter the circumstance.

Looking back at all the memories we had over the past day, you’re still finding ways to do so. I still don’t want to believe that you were taken from us so soon. You were just telling me about all the opportunities you had in front of you and how successful you were going to be. I remember being so proud seeing how far you had come and how happy you were. You always told me that I wasn’t just a friend to you, but a brother and I couldn’t agree more.

You were always there when I needed you and taught me so much throughout the years. Whether it was working on cars until 3 am in the morning or playing chel till we couldn’t keep our eyes open anymore, it was never a dull moment and it’s something I’m going to miss forever. I know you and god are up there having an amazing time, driving and working on all the cars you loved. I’m going to do everything we dreamed of to make you proud and will bring you with me every step of the way. I miss you already, but I know one day I will see you again. Fly high Milla
Love, TJ aka Jimmy.

Cole Miller’s Cause of Death

Cole cause of death has not been officially announced. Update regarding the deceased cause of death will be will be posted as more information becomes available. Our prayers and condolence are with the family of the deceased during this difficult time.

We’ll keep you updated when further information on Miller’s service and memorial becomes available. In the meantime, we ask for your help and ask that you keep the family in your prayers as they deal with this unimaginable tragedy and grieve the death of a genuinely exceptional human being.

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