Accueil Obituary Jake Cuccia obituary – Jake Cuccia of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has passed away

Jake Cuccia obituary – Jake Cuccia of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has passed away


Jake Cuccia who lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has sadly passed away. Family and loved ones are deeply shattered at the news of Jake’s passing. Jake’s cause of death has not been made public at this time.

Tributes to Faye

Support and love from family and friends immediately poured in online following the death of Jake

Ebony Ivy shared on Facebook – “My heart is so heavy right now. The passing of Jake Cuccia has shattered my heart because of the love I have for him and his entire family! Prayers up for all who were blessed to know and love this beautiful soul!
Please keep his family in your prayers as they’ve endured more loss than most will ever see in a lifetime!”

We’ll keep you updated when further information on Seamus’ service and memorial becomes available. In the meantime, we ask for your help and ask that you keep the family in your prayers as they deal with this unimaginable tragedy and grieve the death of a genuinely exceptional human being.

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