Accueil Death Colton Wolfe obituary – Colton Wolfe died by suicide

Colton Wolfe obituary – Colton Wolfe died by suicide


Colton Wolfe has sadly passed away. Colton Wolfe died after he reportedly committed suicide. Family and loved ones are deeply saddened at the  unexpectedly passing.

Wolfe Gang created a Gofundme to help ease financial expenses. The statement on the Gofundme reads- “Colton Wolfe loved his family and friends fiercely and would give anyone the shirt off his back if they needed it.

Tragedy took him from us far too soon, but we want to help others in similar situations as him.

The Wolfe family is starting a foundation that specializes in mental health for young men. As he is laid to rest and we’re all still shocked and grieving, his family is eternally grateful for any contributions made to support the foundations start.”

Our prayers and condolence are with the family of the deceased during this difficult time. We’ll keep you updated when further information on service and memorial becomes available.

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