Accueil Death Mark McCuish obituary – Mark McCuish died after battle with illness

Mark McCuish obituary – Mark McCuish died after battle with illness


Mark McCuish, Saint Anthony’s FC former player and assistant manager has sadly passed away. Mark after he fought a courageous battle with an illness. Mark is survived by his wife Natalie and his two girls, his mum Anne, brother Stephen and all his family.

Anne McCuish is in Govan shared on Facebook – “Can’t put into words the pain and loss of losing my amazing beautiful son mark he’s been my rock I don’t know how I will cope without him I’m devasted for his wife natalie as I know the pain of losing your husband heartbreaking for my grandaughters harley and lila life is so unfair my stephen is devastated beyond words are the rest of the family and friends online and all over the world.

I thank each and every one of you who have supported us through my boys illness he fought a hard battle I can’t thank all the doctors and nurses in the hospital for their hard fight and determination to keep my beautiful boy alive .it wasn’t to be .I hope he’s in his dad’s arms now .thank you all.

Our prayers and condolences are with the family of the deceased. We will keep you updated when further information on service and memorial becomes available.

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