Accueil Death Max Harper Westport CT obituary – Maximilen Harper, Staples High School student...

Max Harper Westport CT obituary – Maximilen Harper, Staples High School student died in accident


Maximilen Harper, Staples High School student as sadly passed away. Max died at age 18 Wednesday in Westport dirt bike accident. Police responded to the area following report of the tragic incident which occurred in the area of Old Hill, Partrick and Broadview roads.

According to police, the dirt bike and a fully laden dump truck moving northward collided on a sudden curve. The dump truck collided with several trees after swerving off the road, flipping onto its side and losing its load, according to reports. The driver sustained minor injuries, according to authorities.

Max was pronounced dead after succumbing to his injuries. More on this crash will be available once we obtain further details.


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