Accueil Death Daniel Juedes Sr obituary – Daniel Juedes Sr. of Appleton died in...

Daniel Juedes Sr obituary – Daniel Juedes Sr. of Appleton died in shooting on South Sanders Street


Daniel Juedes Sr obituary – 74-year-old Daniel Juedes Sr. of Appleton has sadly passed away. Daniel in Sunday’s shooting incident on South Sanders Street. The shooting happened in the 1800 block of South Sanders Street on Sunday morning.

Officers found Daniel with apparent gunshot wounds. He was pronounced dead on scene. The incident remains under investigation. Our prayers and condolences are with the family of the deceased. We will keep you updated when further information on Mueller’s service and memorial becomes available.

In the meantime, we ask for your help and ask that you keep the family in your prayers as they deal with this unimaginable tragedy and grieve the death of a genuinely exceptional human being.

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