14-year-old Keayland McKune, has unexpectedly passed away following a fatal car crash early Saturday morning in Fairdale. Keayland, a young life with a promising future, died at the scene following a single-vehicle accident that occurred shortly after a police encounter in the early hours of December 28, 2024.
According to authorities, around 3:50 a.m. on Saturday, police observed a vehicle, reported stolen, with two occupants near the Jefferson County line. Officers attempted to stop the vehicle, but the driver fled, accelerating at a dangerous speed. Police disengaged from the pursuit, as required by department protocol, but moments later noticed sparks a half-mile down the road. Officers found the overturned vehicle in the 10300 block of National Turnpike, a short distance from where the pursuit had ended.
Keayland was pronounced dead at the scene, while another teenager, believed to be a passenger in the vehicle, was transported to Norton Children’s Hospital with injuries that were not considered life-threatening.
The loss of Keayland has deeply affected his family and community. “Keayland was a bright young soul with so much potential ahead of him. His loss is devastating, and our hearts go out to his family.
As the investigation into the crash continues, authorities are reminding the public of the dangers of reckless driving and the importance of making responsible decisions on the road.
Keayland McKune will be deeply missed, but his spirit and memory will remain forever in the hearts of all who knew him